Jeanette Ackerman

Jeanette Ackerman
Class Year
Monroe, Wisconsin
Graphic Design
At Carthage, Jeanette Ackerman ’25 is able to dive deep into the realm of graphic design thanks to the help of her advisor, unique classes, and on-campus job opportunities. She is a grateful recipient of The Hamm Scholarship, which has helped support her academic journey. “The Hamm scholarship has allowed me to continue my education here and pursue what I love,” she said.
Outside of the classroom, Jeanette enjoys participating in club and Greek life activities, hanging out by the beach, and exploring Kenosha with her friends. “I love downtown Kenosha. It has a lot of hidden gems and is close to campus. I love going to the Harbor Market and grabbing coffee with my friends.”
Learn why students love Kenosha
Why Carthage?
“I enjoy the smaller class sizes at Carthage and the location of the campus.”
Faculty mentors
“My advisor has supported me from the very first day we met. She has helped me get several jobs in my field while pushing me to learn skills to help me advance in my program. She encourages me to be myself and does not try to change who I am.”
Favorite class
“Typography has been my favorite class. Being able to experiment with typefaces and letterforms was unique. It was fun being able to examine something we look at and use every day and make it art.”
Toughest class
“The most difficult class I have taken so far has been Web Design I. As a graphic designer, it is important to understand how to code and design for digital platforms; however, learning to code with absolutely no experience was a challenge. Luckily, I had a professor who took the time to help me, and now I can say I am less intimidated by coding.”
Campus involvement
“I am the president of DRAFT graphic design group. We focus on uplifting other designers and provide them opportunities to grow as artists. I am also the president of Delta Theta Epsilon social sorority. We are passionate about the environment and hold events that educate people on how to live more sustainably. I strive to uplift all members and help them be their most authentic selves.”
Internships or campus employment
“I was the social media coordinator for the Center for Faith and Spirituality on campus. I loved making posters for them and taking pictures for social media. It was a very welcoming environment that students should experience at least once.”
Career goal
“Ideally, I would love to be a creative director and help shape campaigns for companies.”
Favorite memory
“I love going to the beach with my friends at night to look at the stars. Even though it can get cold, it’s a very wholesome experience.”
Best study tip
“Find out what works for you and stick to it. If studying alone and reading things out loud is for you, then do it. If studying with a friend and doing flashcards or practice quizzes works best, grab a friend from class and get to it. But do not push anything off. Life gets in the way sometimes and it is easy to forget about due dates, but utilize that Google calendar and study hard.”
Best tip for making friends
“For me, taking the leap and being a part of Greek life, especially as a commuter, helped me make friends. Joining a club in your major or something you are passionate about and embracing it to the fullest extent is another great way to make friends.”